This is a famous street, it is very narrow, only one car can travel on it at a time. This is where most of the hotels are, there are some pretty house there.
There were very few people there, I think I saw a handful of people.
He said that the sandbar was a very famous bar and restaurant. But there was not a soul in there, I think it wasn’t even open.
The ocean was very pretty there.
There was a very large house in construction there. He said that some famous singer had bought it and was turning it into a resort. He told us her name, but I completely forgot who it was.
He said that these drain pipes, to drain the water out of the island to prevent flooding. I think that he meant the water from the abandoned salt mines. Because I honestly don’t see how they would have extra water there.
This is the only person that I saw in the water. I really wish we had got off there for a little while, they had some shops for the girls and I could have gone snorkeling. All the beaches in Grand Turk are public.
This is the most people that I ever saw concentrated in one area.
We then moved on to our next stop.
Then we drove to the other side of the island, all the way to the far end.
The third stop is at the far end of the island, by the lighthouse. There is what seems to be a rope course and a zip line there, with a handful of small stores. The area seemed desolated to me, and maybe with a couple of tourists. I do not recommend this area for the beach, this side of the island gets the pounded by wind, and the waves are quite strong. Again, I regret not getting off the bus.
Now that I think about it, we should have gotten a taxi for a private tour, we spent $100 on this tour. A private tour would have been much more enjoyable. Good timing Gambee.
There are a lot of mules in the island. They are descendants from when they used to mine salt. Now some of them roam the island, while others are privately owned. The problem is that the animals usually run wild, and they cause multiple car accidents and no one takes claim of animal after the accident has occurred. They are currently working on a way to gather the animals at night to prevent them.
They looked miserable in that heat.
I think I heard him correctly, but I am not sure. This used to be 1 of the two US army bases in the Island. This one has now been turned into the community college. Keep in mind that all education is free in the island. Once again, it was desolated. Maybe they were on vacation, though.
Anyone for some free education? 😉
Next up are the houses of the rich and famous of the island. I forgot the name of the area, but I am almost sure it is The Windy Bay, These are very large and beautiful houses, there must be around 20 of them or so.
The last stop was in one of the old salt mines, which was by the way was closing early at noon. Ummm, ok. Anyway, there is nothing to see here, but a huge lake. Inside appeared to be a small restaurant and a gift shop. I highly recommend that you simply take a taxi to the downtown area instead. Everything you need to see about Grand Turk is there. You will have some of the most beautiful and clear water to snorkel and plenty of shops for those who enjoy it, with a handful of food venues. Otherwise, just stay in port, or take a private shore excursion on a boat.
We kept on going.
Oh I almost forgot, everything in this island is imported. They are not even able to grow any type of crop. So as you can imagine constructions are quite expensive since everything has to be imported.
We got back to port, another family aboard the bus decided to stay aboard to unload in the downtown area. We decided to get off. My aunts wanted to go back to the ship, I think it was just too hot for them. Mom needed to buy a few items, and my uncle and I wanted to walk around. My mom simply joined us at that time.

We just walked around.