The stairs heading back down to the Lido deck.
When I got back down, my aunt had gotten in line and gotten us some pizza. How long for the pizza? 25 minutes, I kid you not. I guess it was because everyone had just boarded and the buffet was closed. That made the pizza taste even better! Not that it needed that, because it was already delish by itself
I think I like the aft on the Breakaway class better. The view seems to be obstructed here. But hey, actually all Aft balconies are fabulous!
Awwwww the memories will last a lifetime!
Some Jacuzzi and pool time was in order =)
I am not sure what is going on with that stance, LoL. Great photo though =)
We must have stayed there for some extended period of time. It was a really nice place to relax, and the music was stable for the time being. During my time there I kept eyeing the Pizza line the entire time. I really wanted more pizza, but the was no way I was getting in a long line. At one point in time the line decreased significantly, down to 5 people or so. So I took off running, and got in line. The wait was about 10 minutes, not horrible. But I made the mistake of getting the white pizza, while it was good. It had way too much cheese, I recommend the regular pizza, over this one.
At some point I went upstairs and got a couple of pictures.
The pool was emptying out.
We went to the room to shower, change and relax for a little while.
I guess it is a good time to talk about the beds. Mom had told me that they were quite hard (with the exception of the Rollaway beds, which are horrendous!). I can confirm that they are on the stiff side, but I got great sleep on all the nights. Maybe I was just too tired, who knows. I imagine if it is too hard for you, you can ask for an egg crate mattress topper to make it a little softer.
That night I really wanted to sleep outside on the balcony. Has anyone ever done this? I was thinking about pulling the mattress out there and just sleeping there. It was so serene and peaceful that night. What made me not do it? A few reasons. The first one was that our neighbors to the left always left the balcony light on no matter what. The light from their balcony really leaked into ours. The other reason was our other neighbors to the right, they had a tendency to come at all times of the night to talk. They were not loud or anything, but I could see them waking me up in the middle of the night. The last one was that the sunrise was from that side, and it would wake me up way too early.
But I have plans of doing this one day, mark my words! It might happen on my next cruise ;-), LoL. I might just bring a sleeping bag one day to do so. Nevertheless, I think that putting the mattress out there should be fine. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I also wanted to sleep with the door open to listen to the waves smoothly hitting the hull of the ship, as I have done before. But Carnival has the feature that most ships have now, the A/C turns off. And while it was fairly cool on those nights, I did not want to impose that on my uncle. My bed was the one near to the door and I had more wind flow than his bed did.
What was my solution?
Well, I downloaded one of those apps that simulate noises to go to sleep. And I chose one that actually mimicked the sound of the waves so well, that I completely forgot it was an app on the first night. I thought I had left the door ajar by accident and woke up to close it . I suggest this option for those who still want A/C, but wish to have the feeling that you’re on a ship. I was quite elated with this solution 🙂
The Carnival Victory was sailing at a fairly fast speed, but the ocean was still as can be. We had minimal movement.
A funny note. The toilet in our room appeared to be having issues, I say this because mom reports that the issues did not reproduce on hers. When you would flush it would do it with great power, but the water flow was minimal, and only in one direction. So, hmmmmmmm, let’s just say you needed to flush like 6 times each time. Keep in mind that you’re flushing 6 times and everyone is outside hearing all those loud flushes . It happened to mom on a couple of accessions, and we would bother her about her ummmmmmmm, well you figure it out
. It was quite funny.
We all got ready and went out for a walk around the Carnival Victory. Like I said the temperature was quite comfortable, and there was a nice sunset coming our way.
Have I spoken about the elevators? I think I did, but I am not sure. Anyway, they are great. You will rarely wait for one. Carnival seems to have this down to a T. The only time you will struggle to get one is during the drill, or unloading on a port that you arrive at a later time.
The carpets were really nice.
Someone had left the emergency phone door open. Maybe a kid?
The area had emptied out. I highly suggest you go to the pool after 5:30pm, it is really nice and quiet around that time.
I will let the pictures do the talking on this set.
We decided to go to play a game of mini golf.
We stopped by and played a game =)
I will never understand why he wears the bag like that. One thing is for sure, no one will steal anything from him, LoL
Here he is posing for a picture, and no, he did not actually play that hard
Smooth colors in this photograph.