We sat in a high top near the bar. Sorry for the red tint of the pictures, it was from the red shade of the red umbrella. I could clear it out, but I already processed the picture that way.
Topher came out of the water and mom rushed to get a picture with him. Such a friendly pup, he is always soaked by the way. You have to in that heat.
He just roams around as he pleases.
There is also another dog, but he is not as water happy. And he does not like french fries, picky dog . By the way Jack has the best business concept, buy my food to feed my dogs with it ;-). Who can resist feeding these cuties? Not this guy! Although technically I am not even sure if you’re allowed to feed the,. ooops.
Our server was from the Dominican Republic, nice guy.
You have a great view from there!
And there he goes again, that’s the life! I would love to trade places with him, then again, I am not sure I like the idea of a limited lifespan . Maybe just for a year or two.
We had a can of coke with us, the only reason our server saw it was because my mom was searching in her purse for my phone. He kindly told us that he would bring us ice for that Coke. It wasn’t our intention to do that, I was going to order a coke for myself. A very nice gesture of him. Later on I ended up ordering another coke anyway.
Free Wifi, the code is there on a sign for everyone to use. Mom was in FULL FORCE! She had been without internet for over 3 hours . That is an eternity for her! Then again look who is talking
My uncle ordered a local beer as per his suggestion. We still had that big bottle of water that I had bought earlier, although by then it was jacuzzi temperature.
And got herself a Pina Colada. Very tasty!
We relaxed there for a little while, and then some of the food started coming out.
First out were my uncles fried shrimp, the order was a bit small, but very tasty.
My conch fritters, were for odd reason very mushy. I think that they were not fully cooked. Either that or the batter was not the best. My uncle said they were too spicy for him.
This was the winner, cracked conch was DIVINE!!! This is the dish to get there! Plus it was huge! I ended up sharing half of it with my mom and uncle. He loved it, I think it was the first time he tried it. I was beyond full by the time we finished it.
My mom got french fries , I thought she was going to get the grouper. Ironically, our server forgot the fries, LoL. They came later on after we reminded him about them.
Overall the food was good, no major complaints. The ambience was also nice and comfortable, although we could have sat a little further away from the main speakers.
At some point I decided to go cool down for a little.
Yes, that is sunscreen . Can you tell that I fear the sun. The truth is that both my uncle and I had burned our back in Half Moon Cay. We did put a bunch of sunscreen the day before, but I guess we only did it once. Big mistake, both our backs were burning that day. I should have gone in the ocean with my shirt on, but I only had one and I did not feel like getting it wet.
No worries, I still have some on my face, just not a thick layer of it.
The speed boat getting refueled. I can only imagine the fuel consumption of that animal! Must be great for the environment 😉
I only saw a few of the silver/white fish. But the water was a godsend!
We started walking back the main port area.
Those look like a lot of fun, I wonder what the cost is.
You will most likely get much better prices around here than in the stores at the port.
All the horses for rides. Poor animals, I sure hope they get plenty of water to drink.
The Fantasy was blowing her horns and she was getting ready to leave. A lot of people had already picked their place for the departure.
And there she goes.

We stopped here for a second, my uncle needed to change the batteries of his camera. I have to get him an external charger, he keeps running out of battery because she only charges at night.
There are a few vendors that are allowed to advertise inside the premises, but most are kept out of that area. I wonder how that works.
Nice little hammocks

After washing our feet, we followed mom. She wanted to purchase a couple of shirts. She likes the Indian/hippie style shirts, I hope I am insulting anyone. But I just don’t know how else to explain them. They go back to when she was a teenager, and they actually look really great on her now =)
There are a bunch of stores there.
People coming back from their shore excursions.
There is mom going into the store to get her stuff.
We told her to wait for there after she was done shopping. We wanted to go check out the NASA exhibition.
Another store with some nice merchandise.