Here is a some text I found about this exhibit. “a unique exhibit commemorating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Mercury space program and the historic 1962 splashdown of the Friendship 7 capsule off the coast of Grand Turk.”
It is a small area with some Space related artifacts. I took a few pictures of the area. And some of my uncle posing, unfortunately all with his camera.
Dear Lord, it was soooooo Hot that day! Then again, this entire summer has been horrible here in South Florida, currently at 92 degrees, and I actually consider that cool. Hopefully it will not climb more today.
My uncle getting a selfie, LoL. I told him I would get the picture for him.
They also have a Nasa store there as well.
We actually headed back to the Carnival Victory with about 1:30 to spare, not bad. I was thinking about staying and going snorkeling. But as I looked around all I saw was seaweed around those waters, and I had little intensions of venturing far away with the little time to spare.
Back on the Carnival Victory we cooled down in the room a little.
Chakuna: Is the wreck you’re talking for snorkeling? If so I will keep that in mind for next time. Thank you =)
It was getting closer to “all aboard”.
Yes, those are my undies. Mom hates it when I walk around like that, but I think it was only my uncle and I in the room then. Or maybe I was by myself? Who knows, it is hard to keep track of 5 people
And there we go! Until next time Grand Turk!
All the boats at anchor, ready for the next set of cruisers.
I was in love with the Cat to the left, I hope one day I can afford one to sail through the Carrib.
Never mind, mom was there.
Oppppps, I guess they were all there
We headed up to the jacuzzi to for a little while.
I was wearing mom’s hat, not sure where mine was . Looking good, LoL.
The guy there asked me a few questions about the GoPro.
That hat might be ugly as can be, but it covers the face incredibly well!
Sailing away!
Everyone was a bit tired by then. My aunt was worried because the ship had already started moving a little. The next day was going to be her first full day at sea, she was not thrilled about that. Luckily for her we were sailing with the wind, so the movement was minimized.
The area was pretty full. I think as the cruise went on it became more popular.
The pool was a bit crowded.
And back in the water. I really love that camera!
We went back to the room after a few hours.
Everyone got dressed and ready for a night out in the town. But this time we had to make sure that we were dressed up to the code. Because I had no plans of getting kicked out of the MDR again.
So here is the group ready for that night
My uncle was a classy pirate, and I am not sure what the girls were dressed like.
I decided to change the lens to the fisheye lens on the A6000 camera. I had still to get some super wide angle pictures of the Victory.
My closet was increasing in size . I don’t care what anyone says, this is as convenient as life gets! LoL
That lens is capable of some incredible results! Enjoy =)
So we went out for a little walk.
As much as I try to justify the colors around the Carnival Victory, I just can’t. It is just too busy for my personal taste.
Sending the group pic to the family chat =)

Great Picture. It really puts the Atrium into perspective.

They had a shirt sale, mom was looking at some shirts that she wanted.
At some point my mom had noticed that she had stolen two of the shirts . I am not entirely sure how this happened. I think that she had them in her hands and started chatting on my phone with the family and she just took off with them. I always knew there was something about her that she had failed to tell me, she is a kleptomaniac!
By the time she figured what she had done, they both started cracking up. I simply . I think the other two were already two decks below us.
Dear Lord…. Can you imagine if she got caught? , first the Eastern European Lady and now this. They would most likely put us on a raft and send us adrift
I guess at some point she was laughing so much that she collapsed on the floor, and could not get up.
Oh my, just look at them both
I had to return the shirts for her. I am not even sure if she got around buying them, I think she did.
Really nice shirts by the way. Check them out. 2 for $20.
We then went to the Atrium area were they were supposed to have a Beatles tribute. But the singer kept singing country songs, not that they were bad, but it was just not what was advertised on the FunTimes. It was mainly my uncle who wanted to see/listen to the tribute.
We stepped out for a little while, a got a few pictures.
It was really nice out.
We went back to the room. I had to change lenses once again to get ready for the MDR pictures.
More like, we can’t get enough of your money
Can you believe that my aunts still had the mango they had brought aboard from Fort Lauderdale . First of all I am not even sure why they brought it. Is that even allowed
Great mangos though, I got them from a coworker.
We were heading north, but goes the east route, I thought that we would go through the west one. And technically that would put us in the Atlantic Ocean, and not the Caribbean. Am I wrong? Anyway, we told my aunt, and she was happy about it. You get to say that you were sailing in both oceans when telling the stories back home.
How cute is he? Or it? I tend to use he/she for animals as well, why not, right? I think by now most of you are used to it =)
But then again, this is a towel animal…. Anyway,
I wanted some ice for my coke, so we went to the buffet to get some. I took some pictures of the offerings for that night.