As I said, we relocated to the promenade, and just enjoyed the views from there. It was a slightly lower than the bow, thus it offered a different perspective of the glacier. Both perspectives are equally as good.
There was plenty of calving going on, it was really cool
Love the way this one came out!
Me enjoying the view. I pretty much appropriated my mom’s binoculars. She had me buy these on Amazon for her, but she never used them. Later she told me that using binoculars triggered vestibular issues for her, then why buy them? Anyway, it was a win-win for me, cause believe it or not, I used them a lot!
That bird was the only wild life we saw there.
Mom relaxing. That was the only time that we saw that amount of people on the loungers. Usually it was just mom and I.
Calving in progress. It was really hard to get these kind of pics. Mainly because you would hear it, and by the time you located it, it was gone.
Got really lucky with this one.
Even those little ones are very loud.
And a few more pics.
Mom had a perfect view!
Here I am just relaxing.
As soon as the ship started moving, everyone disappeared, lol
And we are on our way to Sitka. It was an unreal experience, and one that until I lived for myself, I would not had placed so much value into it. I mean, I have always loved both the snow and nature, but glaciers are something that I did not gave much thought into. I am glad I saw Hubbard and not glacier bay, this thing was huge and alive. Hearing it calve non-stop was the highlight of the day. It was just an unreal experience!
We stayed there just enjoying our company and the view. Surprisingly, the internet was pretty stable up there. Unlike what it was reported by other cruisers in the past.
Leaving the bay was still done very slow, even though the fog had cleared up.
The glacier on our wake.
Mom all covered up, it was by far the coldest day of the cruise. So she had a good reason to be all covered up like a burrito.
You can see how large the iceberg is underneath.
Everyone had left by then. I will never understand this, it was the best part of the ship, where is everyone?!?! It actually worked my way because I was usually playing music on my phone, and with no one there to disturb with my music, makes things much better. Otherwise no music for me, lol.
Bye bye Hubbard Glacier.
I went to the room and got our drinks refilled, and if I remember correctly I also got us dinner from the buffet to eat outside undisturbed.
Back out with mom. We both took a nap out there.
By the time we woke up the sun was going down, they had turned on the lights, and removed the padding of the chairs.
That night after we left the glacier mom did some laundry. The cost to do laundry was $1.75 per load, this was really handy since for some reason I did not pack enough clothes for this trip and I was running out of nearly everything. Just don’t try doing laundry on the last day, because the machines are quite busy. But other than that, she never had an issue. There are two laundry rooms on the ship, first time I see see laundry rooms on a ship.
Even though this was technically not a port day, to us it felt and counted like a port day. It was an experience offered by HAL that I will never forget. We have amazing memories from that day.
And that is it for that day, what an incredible day. By that day, this cruise was by far the best cruise we both had been in. Cruising the Caribbean is fun, but it has absolutely nothing on this nature filled adventure.
Day 4, End.