Great Stirrup Cay Review
The A6000 does a much better job with the illustration mode, than the RX100 ever did.
Great view of Great Stirrup Cay main beach area
It was not exactly a beach area as it was rather rocky, but I loved how private it was. I was in heaven!
Here I am just chillaxing, lol
See the moon?
That lady had the right idea, she had a full size umbrella.
I got myself a long island Ice tea and just enjoyed the ocean breeze and the tranquility
It took maybe around one hour and then my family arrived. They have bought shirts, among other items. I decided to go cool down in the ocean. But there was a menace sea creature in the ocean in Great Stirrup Cay!!!
What was it?
And there were tons of them!
I had never been stung by one, but it was not in my plans to get stung that day. The funny thing is that while I was enjoying my drink, I heard several people yelling very loudly several times. I did not think much about it. My main concern when it comes to the ocean are sharks, and it was not likely to see one there (although not impossible).
I was so hot that I decided to still go in, how bad could it be? There were tons of people in the water.
I did not want to risk it any longer and I retreated to place in heaven. My uncle had brought back a burger for us to share, but I was not hungry yet. I think he ate most of it. Most of the food in Great Stirrup Cay is BBQ style.
As you can see I emptied a bottle of sunblock on my legs, LoL.
This cruise really did have a lot of mishaps. This one was among the scariest ones! I was laying there enjoying myself when a gust of wind came and blew my umbrella away. In a rust to get it, by accident, I pulled my chain off and into the sand it went. I found the chain immediately, but I could not find the pendant.
First, let me tell you why this item was so important to me. To put it simply, it was the chain and pendant that my grandmother passed away with. So you can only imagine the importance of the matter. I looked for about 5 minutes and nothing. Finally, I found it, it was already well covered by sand, it is crazy how fast things get lost on the beach. If I had lost this item, I would have never forgiven myself for it. I gave it to my mom immediately after I found it.
So who does not love animals? The next sets are of my uncle feeding birds and fish in Great Stirrup Cay.
He was trying to hand feed them, but it was a no go.
Then he asked me to get some pictures of him feeding the fish. So we went out for a swim.
He had brought corn and Bread with him.
There was a good amount of small fish in the area, he was having a blast. I could not see a thing since we only had one set of snorkeling gear. I was just shooting blindly,
I forgot he also had corn, lol.

I decided to go get some food, I was staring to get a little hungry.
That’s the main Great Stirrup Cay bar, it can get really busy. I think they have 4 bartenders working the bar at all times.
That’s the dining area for the buffet.
We were located a short walk away from the buffet.

Great Stirrup Cay Buffet

I love this mug. It’s sealed so you can pretty much do anything with it.
I was pretty lit by then
That lady on the paddle board got out of her path and ended up near us. She tried getting the board out of the water near us. Needless to say that the board was way too heavy to carry by hand. So she decided to paddle back to the main activities beach.

Everyone enjoying their time in the water.

I am sure the seagulls were missing my uncle, lol.