Mom is right there playing on her ipad.

Since our server was nowhere to be seen, I went to the bar to order some food.

The food came out quickly, maybe 20 minutes or so. He brought it out for us.
I ordered the lobster for my mom. Which was very good.
And the Mahi mahi for me, it was really fresh!
This guy was trying to get all the food.
Your pass also includes kayak use. You just have to check it out with the towel guy. Oh, towels are also included.
I think we stayed there for a little under 3 hours. The main issue is that I kept thinking of Vibe and all the special treatments we got over there. So we decided to head out.
I think our bill was like $82 so we owe them $2 plus we left extra for service. That was for 2 cokes and the food. Not drinks. My stomach was still on strike.
As we are walking out my mom tells me that we have to walk very slow, I asked her why. Then she told me that she brought the wrong sandals and they were opening up her skin.
I asked her if she could use mine, she tried them on and it seem to work. Then she asked what about me, I told her I would be ok. I know what my feet can tolerate. I just had to keep an eye out for broken glass. Other than the dirt on the streets I should be ok, I would just wash them when I got on board.
There is mom with my sandals.
And me. Was the floor hot? It was ok for the most part, yes it was hot, but it only burned with dark asphalt. I just had to keep an eye where I walked.
Mom went into some stores, I think she was looking for a nativity scene.
This place looked legit! It had a long line! I don’t have many memories from my father, but one thing I recall is that if there is a line, you have to stop and try the food. He is a chef by the way.
Too bad I was so full.

One of the stores would not let me in because I had no shoes, so I just waited for her outside
There was a bit of a long line to go back in, and my feet were ready for a break.
The problem with her sandals is the gray rubber, it digs into the skin. They are also very heavy. But these are her Lido deck sandals so she won’t slip like on Divina. She just forgot to get her port sandals that day.
The really weird thing is that I always seem to get sick in Nassau, last time was on the Victory with those damn eggs benedict.
This one is from our balcony.
I guess I showered and cleaned my feet and then head up to try the rope course.
But when I got there I noticed it was closed. They seemed to be fixing the third zip line, which never worked during the entire cruise.