Hello World!
The Glory leaving port.
Everyone waving to the Carnival Glory!!!
Since my beer was out, I went to get another one.
This one was not that much better, then I realized that I should just stick to Little sumpsin sumpsin.
This gentleman was plastered, I think a lot of people do abuse the liquor package. I would hate to see myself in that situation. I usually drink quite a bit, but I would never think of drinking to the stage that I cannot walk in a straight line. He hit that pole really hard.
Some people enjoying their dinner at la Cucina.
We went to the room to change the battery on my camera.
For some reason I thought they had stopped flying it.
I got the pics of the menus in the room.
I really like that USB charger, although I never used it.
And this as well, there is no way that people can change it from the outside.
We left the room for a little walk and to explore some more.
As you can see it is easy to get a drink.
I love love love this artist! I wonder how much his work is, I might have to look into that. I saw a lot of people buying art on this ship, much more than any other ship. Then again, they had really cool art there, well other than Max work…
How cool is that?
He was really good, and a lot of people really enjoyed it.
Mom stopped to get a Freestyle, but she was shoved out of the way by this screaming lady who bypassed the entire line yelling out loud that she was not coming back ever. Do you want to know what her problem was? She lost her cell phone, WTH IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??? Keep an eye on your stuff!!!
By the way the lady in the green dress was the one who lost her phone, tsk, tsk, tsk…
Feel free to shame her, she pushed my mommy out of the way for a phone….
Anyway, we got our Freestyle and moved on.
I will post more on this area later on.

I heard the cookies and cream one was really good.
I guess they weren’t happy that I was taking a pic , I just noticed it.
It can get very crowded at peak times, but you can always find a table with ease.

Nice view from up there.
Margaritaville… I never ate there, personally I think it is wasted space. You rarely saw the area used at more than 40%. I saw a few dishes and the food did look good. I spoke to someone who said that the live music was not the best and the singer seemed a bit unprepared.
I just think that it was wrong of NCL to start charging after they said the venue would be free.

After that we went to the Arcade to check it out.

I actually played the new mario kart, it was awesome! With feedback from the steering wheel, it felt great!
But $1.50 only buys you one short race.
Never drink and drive!
We stopped by H2O which is right there. It is a really nice area, but I am not sure that it is large enough for a 5k+ people ship. I will keep on discussing the pool area as the review moves on.
I can’t believe I never went in there.
Notice there were kids there at the time. My guess is that there was no one to control the area at the time?
On the way out.
These are on the way to Vibe.

Such a cute happy couple.

I went to the front of the ship to get a few pictures.
This is back in Vibe, it was pretty empty then and the bar was closing down.
I still had that nasty beer.
They told us we could stay there as late as we wanted to.
We got a great spot.