That guy was SOOOO TALL!!! He went into a store and the lady promised him he had a shirt for him, she asked if 3x would work, Nope maybe more he said.
Really? When is tomorrow?
Free rum samples? Where? How come there is no one here?
There is a nice water stand there. Both mom and I had a drink there. I do admit, I miss NCLs’ party when you board the ship.
I’ve this yacht before, I think it was in a magazine.
Is everyone seeing this? 2 magnificent sailboats!!! But just wait until St. Maarten when Gambee lands on Sail Yacht Haven!
It was soon time to sail away, so we went to our favorite spot for such activity. Guess where? Mauhahahaha.
I am sure everyone knows how much time I tend to spend on balconies. It is just my private space away from the world =)

And a sail boat.
And then this guy showed up!!! How cool is this?!?!

There must of been 5 yachts there?
That was a very cool carrier.
Back to the room we went, for a change of clothes before dinner. When walking around deck 5 keep in mind that this is the runners track, try to stay out of their way =)
Back in the balcony.

Our neighbors were there and they lit another cigarette. Mom called Juan, and a few minutes later we heard security in their room. Of course they did not catch them smoking, but we were pretty hungry and did not feel like dealing with that then. So we got ready and left.
Monday? Which day is that?