Day 8
The cruise was quickly coming to an end, we had just those two sea days left. We woke up to what looked like another amazing weather day.
I had completely neglected backing up my pictures, and I decided to go ahead and make sure that all my data was safe. It was really wreckless of me of doing that, specially considering that I almost lost all my data during our Divina cruise.
Since mom went to mass, I decided to go have breakfast at the windjammer that morning.
The ship was moving ever so slightly, but definitely the most that I felt this ship move. One person said that maybe the captain had the stabilizers off to save gas after the stop in St Thomas.
It was around 8:20am, still nice and quiet. The calm before the storm
I am almost sure that is the Diamond area, and suite guests? I actually had the opportunity of going in one night when there was no one there, but for some reason did not do it.
And here we have one of the infamous chair hogs. She was carefully setting them all up for her family.
It was quite funny, she re-checked everything like 3 times. At one point she folded the headrests, but then decided to put them back. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be a chair hog

It was still a bit early and the buffet was not as busy yet.

OMG!!! I just realized that I did not have one french toast on this cruise . I guess I will make up for it on my Escape cruise
So much good food, why do people complain?

REAL EGGS!!!! Non of those pureed eggs from the room service.

Did I serve myself too much food? You bet! And the worst part was that my stomach was not feeling all that well at that moment. The ship was also rocking a little, definitely the most I’ve felt one of these beats rock. But no where near what I have felt on other vessels.
But Yeah, way too much food. The worst part of that I am the kind of person that hates disposing of food. When we were young, our parents told us the story of all the children dying of hunger. That really stuck, and up until now we (all my cuzs) only serve enough to satisfy ourselves. I guess that day my eyes had a larger stomach, I actually felt kind of bad when I could not finish it all
Service in the windjammer is really good, among the best i’ve seen. They refill your coffee constantly, and ask you if everything is good. I can honestly say, that I have not experienced that on any other ship, and that includes Allure.
OMG!!! I never played mini-golf!!! I need 9 more days on one of the O/A/H sisters! Maybe H
This is a great spot for parent to see their kids playing basketball.

Then I found this guy by the entrance of the Diamond lounge. It was gorgeous!
Why is it so hidden?
They should put it somewhere that gets more traffic.