Chapter 5
After dinner we went to the Celebrity Silhouette duty free shops and I got a bunch of pictures of the items there for sale. This might bore some, but others might find it useful. I am trying to appeal to a wide range of viewers.
Celebrity Silhouette ship model
After a quick stop outside from some fresh air, I went to grab some coffee at al Bacio on the Celebrity Silhouette.
White Cholate Mocca, very very tasty. Oh my… the calories…… :-/
After that mom wanted to go a raffle right across from molecular, so I decided to wait at molecular and get two more drinks. I am sure you are getting the flow of this review, gosh I had so much to drink. And you probably guessed it, Gambee would pay dearly for that the next day, but not way your thinking. (you have to wait and see) lol
My new toy =), I am thinking I am going to leave it there.
Dragon fly left and casarita right. Both good drinks, the casarita was nice and spicy!
After the Celebrity Silhouette raffle was over, of course we did not win anything, we went up to the room to change into our bathing suit. We had asked our room steward to split the beds for us and it all done nicely. Have I spoken about our team yet? I forgot, I don’t think I have. I will do it in a later day, possibly in day 3 as there is a particular story that they play a role in (not bad, it was my fault).
I will post plenty of this so you can keep a track of ship speed, location and most importantly WIND SPEED
While we were in our room I noticed that there is no light in the Celebrity Silhouette balcony, that something that I would miss. I really enjoy having a light in the balcony. Not a deal breaker, but something to note, this is after all a review.
As the storyline goes, we then headed to the jacuzzi for a few minutes before karaoke.
After the tub (which by the way was just for us ), we went back to the room to get changed and headed to the Celebrity Silhouette Sky Lounge for Karaoke.
We ordered Pyrat Alexander (right) and Palmilla sangria (left). Both very good, but weak.
There was a ship in the distance
Celebrity Silhouette Sky lounge
Ok so here it goes, we found Karaoke to be quite weak on the Celebrity Silhouette, anyone who read the Allure of the Seas review knows that mom and I love karaoke.
So here is the problem with the Celebrity Silhouette, it was not a lack of singers. The main issue is that they are hosting this event in the wrong venue. For karaoke you need a compact venue where people can congregate a little closer and that creates a more intense experience. That got me thinking that this would be better on Celebrity Reflection since they shrank the Sky lounge. But in all honesty I would just host in a smaller place, like the Celebrity Silhouette Michael’s club or quasar, they would make for a much better experience.
In any case, we had fun, and I was following along and encouraging people.
I made a short video of a few of the singers that night, You can hear me trying to sing along (not a good sight) . I really start singing at the end of the video, I was all over the place
, sooo bad.
Watching this video you can feel that the energy is trying to come out, but we are spread out too far apart to really get things going.
Then we ordered a pair of roses, VERY GOOD DRINK. Oh by the way bar service was GREAT!!
After the Celebrity Silhouette karaoke we stopped by the nightly show, it was the opening show. Ok this is the first time I am posting pictures of shows, on the Allure I refrained from it. But after reading thousands of reviews and seeing multiple people posting them, I am venturing and posting a few. Please note, I did not take video, that goes into copyright violation.
Celebrity Silhouette show
As we headed out I thought there was still room for one more drink, so we headed towards the Celebrity Silhouette martini bar. We got a pear martini and the raspberry lemonade.
Both drinks were very nice!
We took our drinks up to the room, and I decided to set up the Celebrity Silhouette wifi. It took me a little while to find the keyboard, but I eventually found it. Then I found myself trying to get to work, but nothing… Then I decided to open the battery compartment and found this, oxidation everywhere.
I am not sure how long it has been there without the use, but my guess is as good as yours. I cleaned the battery and the contacts and got it to work. We decided to buy the $100 internet package and go from there, it was a little complicated to set up, but I figured it out. I suggest if you’re having trouble to go to the Celebrity Silhouette ilounge and get it set up over there.
I will go more into detail about the Celebrity Silhouette internet and TV system later on.
Then I decided to go outside and download all my daily pictures into my computer ( I do this every night), my data is precious to me. Not only do I download it, but I also bring a backup hard drive and backup my entire computer every night. Then I place the hard drive on the safe.
My work station, not very safe for my computer (I feel pretty dumb now, specially with the ship movement) and yes I was drinking both drinks
, mom had given up
At 11pm I decided to order some food, I did not want to go to sleep without eating something with so much alcohol intake. I sat in the balcony and worked on my pictures waiting for my food, my mom thought I was crazy ordering food so late and I guess she was right… moms…. anyway my mom went to sleep and at around 11:50pm the food arrived to the room. it was a good thing because I was ready to head to bed. That is also when I found out that the room Steward is the one that delivers the food, I felt soooo bad, words cannot explain how guilty I felt about doing this. I gave him his tip and headed to look at the food.
Celebrity Silhouette Room Service
Some chicken, no very appetizing, right? trust me it did not taste that good either…
Asian platter I think, it was ok I think. Nothing special.
The fries were good, the burger just ok.
And the same creme brulle as in the MDR, that was also ok.
The food was possibly the worst I had aboard the Celebrity Silhouette, this is not to the standard of celebrity cruises food quality. I really did not eat that much, and my mom was pretty much asleep by then, so I tried a few things and placed them in the floor to take them out the next day.
I went to sleep a little after midnight, I woke up a few times for two reasons. I am a very light sleeper, and at home I need a fan (for noise) and my bed is extremely soft. It was so quiet in that room and I was not used that and the bed was a little too hard for me (yes, it had the egg crate topper on it) I can only imagine how hard it is otherwise. I found a fix for one of the issues later on in the cruise , I had to adjust to the other issue for that voyage.
Day 1 finished.
More on the Celebrity Silhouette on the next page:)