Chapter 6,
Our Disney Dream Muster was about average, ours was in the club. Nothing really to point out except that the alarm noise was excruciating loud. They actually tell to cover your ears and even the crew covers theirs. This picture was after muster was done.
For our Disney Dream sail away we decided to stay in our balcony. Disney does have a sail away party by the pool, but as you can imagine it is packed and that is not exactly what I wanted for my cruise. I asked them if they wanted to go, but neither felt like going either. If you want to see the event just look for the video on youtube, type Disney Dream Sail away and you will see the video. I found out that it was a short show followed by a promotional campaign.
Something to note that is that Disney stream most of the events and Show performances live on TV. We found this out on the last day… lol.
I took a short time lapse of our sail away, I think it came out pretty neat. Check it out!
The pics for our sail away. It was your average sail away, Port Canaveral is surprisingly long, I was not expecting that.
They actually went inside before I could get a clear picture, I hope they lasted outside a little longer for the aft balconies to get a view.
After sail away we went up to the lido deck for a little walk, we noticed that they were almost done with the cleaning from the party. We also picked up some food from the Disney Dream pool food station. I have more pictures later on, but basically there are 3-4 stations with food at tall times. Most of the food there was really good, the only one that I did not enjoy was the pizza.
For those of you following my reviews, you might remember that my mom lost one of her crocks on the Norwegian Breakaway cruise. But no need to worry s