Day 4
Waking up I noticed that the ship had slowed down quite a bit. Mom said the night before she had tried to go outside on the lido deck, but the wind almost knocked her down. My guess is that they went as fast as possible at night, so in the day it was less windy and more comfortable for the guests.
We were due to Arrive in San Juan @ around 2pm. OOOOOOoooooo, did I mention this was the very first time that an Oasis class ship stopped in San Juan Ever!!!! It was a momentous occasion, and one that mom and I would be a part of! How cool is that?
I guess I have not talked much about our cruise director Drew, and the activities coordinator Hugo. Drew was good, but systematic. Then again, I could not imagine doing that job if he was not systematic. There has to be a script to follow, and he goes with that. Hugo to the right was good, but extremely goofy. He seemed to talk little with his mouth, but plenty with his hands. I am sure he is very personable, and I wish I was a sociable as he is, but through the distance was just hard to read him. As I have stated before, it takes a special people to perform these jobs, and to them I bow. They start @7am and go past 1130pm, with the aid of no adult incentives(well at least none that I am aware of ). To that I have nothing to critique, these guys have truly hard jobs.
Hugo(right) had his hair done that day, LoL. Drew kept making fun of it. That is not his normal hair due.
Our room in the morning.
Once again, I took another Emergan-C, my throat was not feeling right. I had enough of them smoking!
Excellent weather as you as you can see.
As I was reading the Compass I noticed that they had the a Mass going on. I quickly told mom to get ready so she would not miss it. Religion is sort of a touchy subject. I have really tried to stay in touch with my roots, but it is truly hard when my religion shuns me for who I am. I am catholic, and I will die catholic, that will never change. God has been incredibly good to me, and for that I am infinitely grateful. It is just hard to justify the words of so many priests that hurt me deeply. It is much like a good friend of mine who is a Mormon, and he has a blog about being gay and Mormon. This is something that we deeply struggle with, we too want spiritual peace, it is just so hard to see so much hate coming from most religions for who we are. Yet we try to stand for ourselves, while maintaining a connection to God. Anyway, as for myself, I have found my connection to God in which he understands who I am, and knows that I love him deeply. But I rarely go to mass.
Enough of my blabbering, here is mom going into mass. I dropped her off at Dazzles.
After dropping her off, I decided to go put a complaint about our smoking neighbors. It had really become annoying that we could not even leave the balcony door for a few minutes because the smoke would go in the room. These people must of been smoking about a pack each. Her voice was so deep that it almost sounded male, like I said I felt bad for the child.
This is where RCCL policy becomes tricky, it is said that they will fine you $250 for cleaning if you’re smoking in your room. Well, I won’t get ahead of myself, lets let the story evolve as it went. So I went to guest service and told there that I really wanted no issues with them, and I did not want them to know it was us. I was told they would be a check up on them and give them a warning. My thought is after the warning they would stop doing it…. They took my report, and told me that security would be there promptly. I took her word for it and left.
I was quite hungry, but I decided to wait for mom to finish mass to go eat. it was actually a long mass, almost one hour. After that she came back to the room and we went to Jonny Rockets for breakfast, FYI, it is free at this time.
I love his Art!
We were sat promptly and a lovely waitress took care of us.
It was quite busy that morning, both inside and out. It was around 9am.
Such a cute restaurant.
Mom was telling me about the priest and how he travels a lot to give his Mass and such.
We were making our plans for that day.
The silverware was a bit dirty, no big deal, just pointing it out. You guys know how easy I am with things like this. I just told mom to grab mine.
I said it in my Allure review and I will say it again, I LOVE THIS PLACE. IT IS A NOT MISS!!!
Everything was super tasty. Moms’
Everything tasted freshly made! Mine.
It was a late quiet morning. I guess most people partied late the night before.
I also found out a great way to make mom walk faster. I would ask to get a picture for her so she could send to the family, then I would hold her phone and walk fast. She would walk super fast trying to catch up with me to get her phone back, and whala! You have a fast walking mom. I know, I know, Karma is a bitch, but hey it worked at that time =)

The Solarium was slow that morning, most people slept in waiting for the port day. Only us morning gals were up and running, from what? I have no clue… U tell me. It is beyond me why I can’t seem to sleep past 7:30 when I am cruising.
We found a fabulous spot, and I could not wait to take a nap.
Right by the window. I love that ocean breeze that you get there!
Nap time!
It was really windy up there.

It was much busier then. Maybe I slept longer than a few minutes.
So many people enjoying themselves. I think that is what I enjoy most about cruises. We are all on vacation, and trying to make the most out of it.
Those jacuzzies are huge!!!
Back in the solarium.

Those things are so tempting. But stay away from them! LoL

Remember that I said that the solarium was hit or miss? Well, this was the last day of hit at it. The wraps were total misses, but the fish tacos were pretty tasty.
Some more relaxing was in order after lunch. I also told mom about a nightmare that I had that night. It was about being in a storm, very much like the one Anthem went through. Trust me, the fear was real! I woke up sweating like a pig, and petrified. I guess that is what I get for reading all the reports from that voyage. I swear, I felt that ship list to a tipping point, it was really scary!

We were getting much closer.
There were quite a few people there.
That catamaran was waiting for us to sail in first.
I absolutely love that fortress.