It was funny, because I told mom that the dresses she was buying looked like mumus. When she asked what a mumu was, I showed her this picture. In my defense, I only said so cause of the flowers of the pic and the dress she was looking at. It immediately brought that Simpson episode to mind.
She did not appreciate my joke
By now you all know my cartoon addiction.
It is so rare that I get to photograph ships at night. And I absolutely love it!!!!
The poor frog lost a hand.
There was a drone flying around the ship. I am not sure how I spotted it, well, maybe it was because of the 5 drones that I crashed this past winter…. =/
Just look at all those people! How exciting is that?!?!
We went to the other side and waited for the sun to go down.

Then this boat came by called “La Rumba”, it translates to something along the lines of “The Party”. It’s kind of cute, one kid goes to his father. LA Rumba papa, LA Rumba papa! (Papa means “Father”). Adorable.
I guess it is a popular party boat. It was full of people dancing, and they were blasting music. If we had known about it prior, we would have definitely gone in it. I can’t imagine it being too expensive.
When I say blasting, I really meant it!!! I think it made Lady O shake, LoL.

Unfortunately, I realized that I brought the wrong lens, and by the time I went back to the ship and got the other one it would be too late. So I made the best of it, and got these.
This one right here is my favorite!
WoW, this one came out unbelievable for such a slow lens! I can’t believe it!
The line to go back on the ship.
What an amazing time we had that day.
Mom wanted a picture with the moon.
Back on the ship I got the drinks from Boleros.
Gran Patron for $39, for that price it better come with 3 worms
We had no plans on eating dinner that night, we ate way to late. So instead I stopped by park cafe and got a little something. Same remarks about the food here stand true. It is simply convenient and thats it.

Back in the room we found this guy.
With some time to kill before sail away, we went to the solarium to enjoy the jacuzzi.
They better do a great job cleaning that area, muahhahaha LoL
How gorgeous is it here at night, I wish one of them was open.

There was only one jacuzzi open and it was packed! Thankfully, we found some space in there for us, and in we went.
There was tons of chlorine in that jacuzzi, although I rather that than the other way around. You know, those sweet body pollutants
We must of been there for over an hour and then back to the room to see the ship sail away.
The Jewel was leaving.
And La rumba was doing another run.
Like I said, that would have been a blast!
This is when the true issues started with our neighbors. I really was not expecting that, but unfortunately it happened that way. It first started with them antagonizing us by striking the lighter multiple times. That lasted for some time. Then they would light a cigarette, get their fix and shut it off. We called security, but by the time they came there was no evidence. These people knew exactly how to play the system in their benefit. Unfortunately RCCL policy is flawed, unless they are caught in the act, nothing can be done. That makes zero sense to me, because they knew how to play it well. It was a very irritating scenario, but at time we could do nothing more than report them. Trust me, that was not the worst of it.
So we just “tried to relax” on our balcony until sail away, which came soon enough.
Good bye San Juan, until next time!

At one point my mom got really mad, and she said something along lines “No more smoke, this is ridiculous. I came here to enjoy my vacation and to deal with this”. Next thing you know, they started laughing and mocking her, That is when I just had enough of them. These people have no respect for anyone, not even for their own daughter. RCCL had to fix this for us. We reported that one last time, and security came to our room. The funny thing is that I was in my undies, I could care less at that point. Actually, I am always on my undies, and mom always tells me to put something on.
When security came into our room, they shut all the lights off and stood quiet. Security is allowed to look into balconies, but they were right there quietly sitting. They said they would address the issue in the morning. I thought, ok then, thats good. They will fine them, and possibly kick them out if they continue. They were so rude!
In a way they ruined our sail away.

This Dip was Fabulous.
Mom went to watch some Karaoke, and I decided to work a little on my pictures. I had yet to back them up. It was pretty late by then, I think around 11 or so.
Even with the frustration of our neighbors, it had been a great day. We really enjoyed our time in San Juan, and being part of the first time that Oasis called port there.
I will say one thing, that night made me rethink about booking balconies.
End day 4.