Day 6
One thing that I noticed several times was that Drew kept referring to Oasis of the Seas as the largest Cruise in service. I am sure he knows that the Allure holds that title, not sure why he would bring that topic over and over again?
Anyway, today was the day that the entire mood of our cruise changed =). Not that we were having a bad cruise, but went from good, to fabulous!
We woke up early as usual, and the ship was already docking. The sail from St. Thomas to St. Maarten is really short. We headed to the balcony to relax for a little while, and watch for some action.
I love St. Maarten!
Next thing you know, it starts stinking like smoke once again. I checked below to see if it was them, and of course he was right there. It was then when I noticed that I could finally get his picture smoking from under the partition. I signaled my mom to give me the camera, but unfortunately I think he might have overheard the action and put it out just in time.
This is the only shot I got. NO evidence.
I am not sure if you can see there, but there are plenty of ashes that can be viewed from this angle, yet they can’t be seen if you’re directly on top of them.
Either way mom and I had enough of this situation. Mom went ahead and called Juan, and demanded a resolution now. Knowing that RCCL was unable to catch these people breaking the rules, I told her to just tell Juan to move us. Juan also over heard my frustration over the phone, he clearly knew that we were at breaking point.
He told mom that he would call his manager and contact us in a few minutes, but in the meantime, he told us to get our stuff ready to be moved. A few minutes later he called and I answered the phone. He asked for my mom, but she was in the bathroom. From then on he dealt with me, he apologized for RCCL inability to catch the culprits in the act, and told me that while this was not the ideal solution, it was the best they could do. He told me that we would be moved promptly. He was in the process of searching for a room for us. I told him that I wanted a room as close to elevators as possible. He then said that he would find a room and called me right back. The call came in minutes and he told me that he was going to come pick me up so I could inspect the new room.
Juan came and we left to check the room. In the meantime, mom stayed behind packing everything to be moved. The new room was on deck 12 forward port side, honestly, I could care less where the room was, I just wanted out there. That said, the room was actually in a great location! Close to the elevators, solarium and it had the most AMAZING view! I did not show emotion, but let it be said that I was more than satisfied. Then again, I had suffered enough already….
Granted, this was not the ideal solution, the ideal solution would have been that they got fined and either stopped smoking or got kicked off from the ship. Or moved to another room. But this was the best RCCL could do, and I was not going to allow a couple of rude people to ruin our vacation.
Juan was very professional and personable, I truly appreciate what he did for us. He also offered us 10% future credit, although I would have liked OBC much better since I am not even sure if I will use the future credit within the 1 year limit. But whatever, that room was behind us and mom and I were ready to fully enjoy he rest of the cruise.
Juan and I made it back to our room, and he told us to get everything ready. Mom told us that everything was packed. He said to leave everything organized, and he would call for someone to move our bags for us.
Oh, by the way, when Juan and I were coming back into the room we crossed paths with our ******* of a neighbor. And he had the audacity of saying hi and smiling. No shame in these people. My frustration could not be put into words.
Juan told me that he would write a detailed report. He got really mad when he found out they had a young daughter. I truly hope that they got some kind of penalty over this, but in the end I couldn’t care less. I had a solution that worked for us/
Before I kill this topic, I will say that I did cross paths with them on two other occasions. And the only reason I noticed it was them, was because of her deep voice. God! I cringe when I think about it!
I went to the balcony one last time to get some pictures.
There was a group of photographers offering their service. What I found ironic was that if you said yes to the first one, then the other two would also grab you to get more pictures. Most people got irritated after the second one got their shot.
Then a HUGE said boat came in, and I was ready to check out. Didn’t I tell you Gambee would be in Haven!!!
With everything ready and our new cards in our hands, we got ready to head out of that room for the last time. By the way, during that move is when we lost our $17 of casino credit =/
We said, goodbye to Putu, and tipped him a little extra for all his troubles. He seemed genuinely concerned about our move, I guess at one point he thought it was about him. Mom explained, and he seemed worried that he was not able to catch them either.
With all the time that we had wasted in this process, I told mom that we should get something quick. We wasted a couple of hours doing everything. So the park cafe we went.
These are fruits that I saw people taking to the beach.
This time around I knew exactly what to get.

Moms’ # 2
Moms’ # 3
And this became my favorite breakfast item on Oasis Ever!. A bagel with the works, OMG it was SOOOOOO GOOD! Upside down and all!
After we were done, I realized that I had completely forgotten my second battery for the camera. So we went back to our old room and ask Putu to open the room for us, we then noticed that they had moved everything already. So we headed to the new room.
The bags were not there yet, but they quickly arrived. The guy who moved them got lucky cause we were there when he got there, and scored a tip.
This was the second time that we did FWD balcony, the first time I did not care for it. But that was not the case this time around.
Wait, never mind, I also a fwd balcony on the Breeze. How could I forget?
Mom loved it! There was no question about it!
And then God blessed me with this view!!!!
My special gift, I got to see “A” for the first time in my life. Had we not been moved from rooms, I had totally missed her.
Apparently, the owner is suing the paint company because it was reflective enough… Um, ok sure, can I board her for 5 minutes, reflective or not.
We also got to meet our new room steward I Ketut Sudirga ” Ika”. We asked him for a few requests that we like. He was a great person, so friendly. Initially we planned on tipping him a little extra only that day, but he was so great that we tipped extra on the last day well.
He was curious as to why we moved, so we explained briefly. I guess maybe he thought that we might be trouble people for him, but he quickly realized that was not the case.
I forgot to mention that we had a full sailing, but they had a few domestic issues cases and that is why this room opened up.
Anyway, with so much time burned, we rushed off the ship. And yes, all 3 photographers asked to get our pics, a quick no thank you and we moved on.
And look who was right there! Are you kidding me? Within arm’s reach!!!
Yes, Yes, Yes. I had to hold myself. Giggity giggity goo
Ohana, such a peaceful name. I think that I in the wrong career. Maybe a lifetime at sea in this beauty is more like it 😉
She was absolutely huge!
She was fueling!
Just look how gorgeous she is!

Just gorgeous!
Lady O also holds her own.
Just look at that mast! Stunning!
No worries, I get a much better view of her 😉
They were handing free shopping bags, mom made me go back for another one.
They came quite handy!
We were going towards the water taxi.
We got our water taxi passes, which by the way I completely forgot how much they were. $7 a piece round trip?
They give you a little band for the way back.
They were loading her for a trip, my guess.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, this one!!! All 3
If only that dumpster wasn’t there.
And this one.

Mom told me that she got a little stomach sickness while waiting. Her stomach is much weaker than mine, or maybe through time I have become more resistant. Or maybe it was all that cheese?
The trip only lasts a few minutes, I think it takes longer to load the tender.