I guess we kept on walking towards Vintages.
The Trellis Bar was quite active!
I just love Central Park!
I think the main Art differences between Lady O and Lady A, are the metal Vs Glass Art in each.
How amazing is that area? That is the area where I ate a roast beef on the Allure =)
I went in and to my amazement, the menu was nearly identical to one 3 years ago that I loved so much. I was puzzled by this, since several people had reported that their menu had shrank to only a few items. I am not sure what happened, but I was quite happy about it. The server also told me that I could reserve a specific table if I bought a bottle of wine. I knew for a fact that the restaurant would not be busy that night, since it was formal night. So I thanked him for his time and moved on.
And back to the solarium we went, we really love that place. It is just so peaceful in there. We sad some nice spots near the pool. By the way, that pool was quite cold, but it worked well to cool you down after cooking yourself in the jacuzzis, LoL.
At one point 2 young girls come storming in and yelling, one with an arm cast on (I have no idea how her parents dry that thing off at night, it must smell wonderful. I had my share of casts in the past). The next thing you know they go into the pool and start yelling “Hi mom”, but wait, the lady actually pushed herself away from the girls. She was not her mom, then they tried the same trick with the lady next to her, and she just laughed. They stayed there for a few minutes when a pool bartender came over and told them they could not be there. But the girls would not have, they were fierce, daring him and such. He finally managed to get them out of the pool, and then they went running to the people on the lounger playing the same “Hi mom” trick. A few people were quite irritated. I thought it was quite funny! Although I could not get over how nasty that cast would be smelling by cruise end. Not to mention skin irritations and such.
Here he is talking to them in the pool.
And here he is trying to escort them out.
For some reason I though the solarium was 18 and older.
I got some more baby corn to snack on, and an orange for my mom.
We then went into the Jacuzzi for some time, and then found some loungers near the glass. Those are our favorites. Although my view had a huge box in front!
After that we headed back to the room to get changed for dinner and relax a little.
On our way to the room.
Live music. I love reggae!!!
Everyone was enjoying the gorgeous weather =)
Back in the room. On our way to Labadee.
What a view!
We just talked and relaxed, I really enjoy balconies. It its your time away from the world. Well, that and our smoking neighbors. At the time it had not become too overwhelming.
We waited for the sunset, before heading out for dinner.
Are you guys seeing this?!?! I mean, are you really seeing this? Just AMAZING!!!!
We talked about several things, including the SS United States. Hopefully she is able to sail again.
And there it goes… What an amazing time we had that night, I am just grateful of all those little moments.
We got changed and headed out to vintages.
A nice lady got this picture for us. My camera is very user friendly, I just set it up and magic happens.
Love this pic!!! I got her that diamond cross many years ago, so happy that she still uses it on a daily basis.
Rising tides bar.
Such happy memories, what a lovely family =)
Remember, it was formal night.
They have a really nice setup for Giovannies outside, I don’t remember seeing this on the Allure of the seas. They also had live classical music as well. It was very enjoyable.
But wait, what makes it the most romantic is the guy in the bathing suit walking right through it. I actually saw that quite often, the irony of it all is that I saw myself being one of those people. You all know me, the least amount of clothes that I can have on, the happier I am
Oh my, that came out wrong. Oh well, life is short. Enjoy the hell out of it. No shame in joy!
That mess said… How cute is that setup?
Another happy family =)
We got to Vintages, and were lucky to get the same corner table that we had on the Allure. I love this restaurant, I really don’t know why it is not more popular. The few people that we saw there were usually there for the wine.
Here is their wine list
Anyone for a bottle of Penfolds, Shiraz? If so, please let me know, because I would love to be your travel partner
How lovely is this place? WHY IS NOT PACKED?!?!?! Well, never mind, it is horrible! I much rather have it for myself =)
I really wanted a bottle of Nobilo, but $55 is just too much for that wine. RCCL is really pushing it. Then again, I think most cruise lines are doing it as well.
The wine was actually quite nice, I was very pleased.

We ordered the same thing that we ordered on the Allure, The Velasquez combo plus a paella for mom.
Mom’s paella.
Some fancy meats,
Chorizo and scallops,
Crab cakes
More fancy cold cuts
Octopus salad
This one is really good.
Everything was great, well, most everything. I don’t like the gazpacho. I keep thinking it is a bloody Mary on a martini glass